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Thursday 12 June 2014

Improving the "Butts!"

Perk up your derriere and drag it out of its drooping, hibernating slumber with our guide to the 12 best butt exercises.

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Each exercise specifically targets thegluteus medius, gluteus maximus, andhamstrings — the chief muscles responsible for creating the appearance of a firm, tight, lifted butt — to directly access deep, hard-to-activate muscle fibers and stimulate growth at a hyperaccelerated rate.

Beyond direct stimulation, you’ll hit the glutes across a variety of movement patterns. That enables the development of a round, filled-out backside; in a way that’s analogous to circuiting sets of flat bench press, incline bench press, and chest flies to sculpt a well-rounded chest.

Our butt exercise list is vigorous and high intensity — no machines here — which creates a high velocity, fat-incinerating ecosystem that’ll leave your body ravaged in places FAR beyond your backside. Your quads, calves, abs, and even shoulders will be searing in caustic muscle juices, too; in addition to the significantly elevated calorie burn (which stays boosted LONG after your workout is over).12

Throw 3-4 of your favorites into each leg workout — 3 sets of 12 reps, per exercise, is standard — and rotate often. You’ll burnout your glutes and hamstrings, elevate your butt to an ideal growth state, and leave your legs shaking in full-blown Jell-O mode.

And if you’re looking for a full butt workout plan, check out our Ass Up, Bubble Butt Blaster Workout.

Butt Exercise 1: Romanian Deadlifts

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How to: 

Video Demo — Romanian Deadlifts

Stand upright and hold a barbell in front of your body at thigh height (1). Place a slight bend in your knees, maintain a flat back, bend at the waist, and slowly slide the weight along the front of your legs until it reaches your shins (2).

Hold the stretch for 1s, powerfully contract your butt, and accelerate back up to starting position (1).

Unlike a traditional deadlift, your hips/butt don’t move vertically — keep them stationary and emphasize the stretch behind your knees during the downward part of the motion.

Butt Exercise 2: Stability Ball Leg Curls

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How to:

Video Demo — Stability Ball Leg Curls

Lie on your back with your heels on top of a stability ball (1). Press your heels into the ball and lift your body off the floor to form a straight bridge with your body (2). Powerfully contract your butt and hamstrings, and curl the ball inwards until your knees form a right angle (3) — you should feel a massive contraction in the lower part of your butt, where it intersects with the hamstrings.

Hold the contraction for .5s, roll the ball back out to full bridge (2) and repeat. If this is too easy you can amp up the intensity by completing each curl with one leg (while keeping the second leg elevated in the air – 2:00 mark in this video demo).

Butt Exercise 3: Dumbbell Side Lunges

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How to:

Video Demo — Dumbbell Side Lunges

Stand tall with two light dumbbells (1). Take a large step to the left and squat down laterally until your left thigh is parallel with the floor and the dumbbells touch the ground (2).

Sit back over the back half of your butt, with most of the pressure on your heels — resist any pull to hunch forward. Press through your butt and return back up to start(1). Repeat for the right side and continue to alternate.

Butt Exercise 4: Dumbbell Sumo Squats

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How to: 

Video Demo — Dumbbell Sumo Squats


Stand up tall with a wide stance — one step out from shoulder-width — and hold a dumbbell or kettlebell in between your legs(1). Draw your shoulders back, maintain a flat back, and slowly squat down until your quads are parallel with the floor (2).

Use your core and a strong lower back to resist hunching forward. Powerfully contract your butt, press through your hamstrings and heels, and return back up to start (1). Your heels drive the ascension — NOT your toes.

Butt Exercise 5: Barbell Reverse Lunges

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How to:

Video Demo — Barbell Reverse Lunges


Stand tall with a barbell loaded on your back. Tighten your core, draw your shoulders back, and stagger your feet so that your left leg is in front of your right (1). Take a step backwards with your right foot and lunge down until your knee is slightly above the floor/left quad is parallel to the ground (2).

Powerfully press through your heel and glutes, and explosively ascend back up to starting position (1). Repeat a full set with your right side and then switch to the left.

Butt Exercise 6: Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts

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How to:

Video Demo — Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts


Stand up tall with a dumbbell/kettlebell in your right hand. With a slight bend in your left knee, maintain your balance, kick out your right leg, and slowly lean forward until your torso is parallel with the floor — all of the pressure should sit behind your left hamstring and butt cheek.

Hold the stretch for 1s and powerfully drive up through your left heel into a full stand. Repeat a full set with your left side and repeat for the right.

Butt Exercise 7: Wide Stance Barbell Squats

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How to:

Video Demo — Wide Stance Barbell Squats


Load a barbell and spread your feet so that they’re approximately 1 step further apart than shoulder-width (1). This wide stance helps emphasize the butt and hamstrings. Puff out your chest, tighten your abs, and slowly descend until your thighs are parallel with the floor (2).

DO NOT arch your back — keep it strong and straight throughout the entire squat. Hold for .5 seconds at the bottom and powerfully ascend back to start.

Butt Exercise 8: Goblet Squats

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How to:

Video Demo — Goblet Squats


Stand upright and hold a dumbbell/kettlebell with two hands so that it’s in line with your collarbone (1). Keep it at this height throughout the movement to simultaneously hit the shouldersbiceps, and triceps, while maintaining strong posture.

With your chest puffed out and your abs tight, slowly drop down until your quads are BELOW parallel (2), hold .5s, and explode upwards through your glutes. Ascend through your heels, not your toes.

Butt Exercise 9: Dumbbell Step Ups

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How to:

Video Demo — Dumbbell Step Ups


Grab two dumbbells and stand in front of a step, platform, or bench. Place your right foot on top (1), contract your butt, drive through your heel, and step up into a full, one-legged stand (2). Keep your back flat and resist any pull to lean forward.

Slowly lower down to the ground and repeat for a full set. Switch legs and repeat for the left side.

Butt Exercise 10: Dumbbell Lunges

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How to:

Video Demo — Dumbbell Lunges


Stand tall with two dumbbells (1). Take one large step forward with your left leg and lunge down until your thigh is parallel with the floor; your left knee should be slightly above the floor (2). Maintain a flat back and strong posture throughout.

Contract your butt and hamstrings, press through your left heel, and drive up into standing position (1). Repeat a full set with your left leg, switch sides, and repeat for the right.

Butt Exercise 11: Kettlebell Swings

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How to:

Video Demo — Kettlebell Swings


The kettlebell swing squat is a high intensity, fast-paced movement that epitomizes full-body fat incineration. The butt initiates and dominates the bottom half of the motion; the shoulders — in particularly the front deltoid — and arms provide the closing power at the top.

Start in a low, wide squat position with kettlebell in between your feet (1). With your chest puffed out, abs tight, and lower back pinched, powerfully contract your glutes and swing the kettlebell upwards with two hands until it’s in-line with your face (3).

Under control, lower the weight back to the ground, stick out your butt, and immediately complete the next rep.

Butt Exercise 12: Barbell Squats

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How to:

Video Demo — Barbell Squats


You didn’t think we forgot about dull, boring, uncolorful barbell squats did you? They’re not exciting, but they’re crazy effective when it comes to blasting the backside and stimulating butt growth — they’re the undisputed king of leg, AND butt exercises.

Stand shoulder-width apart with a barbell across your traps (1). Stick out your butt, maintain a flat back, and lower down until your thighs are parallel with the floor (2). Drive up through your heels and return up back to start (1).

At last remember; "FITNESS FIRST!"

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